Just Resize

Generate iOS icon dark and tinted variants, resize, export to Xcode with a click of a button.

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Intelligent ML-powered content-aware icon generation

Create dark and tinted icon variants instantly

Just Resize leverages machine learning to intelligently generate iOS icon variants.
This ensures that your icons are pixel-perfect for every device, streamlining your workflow and saving you time.


Main Features

  • Effortless macOS Icons

    Just Resize generates perfectly sized macOS icons with rounded borders in one simple step.
  • Compatibility with Older Xcode Versions

    Seamlessly create iOS icons tailored for previous versions of Xcode
  • Dark and Tinted Icons

    Generates icon variants for iOS dark and tinted appearances.
  • Smart Icon Replacement

    Just Resize updates only missing icons in the set, preserving your existing image assets.
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